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America’s Colleges Struggle to Envision the Future of Diversity on Campus

The Hechinger Report

January 16, 2019   Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

As admissions officers in higher education begin to review applications for the Class of 2023, discussions of what it means to admit a highly diverse student body continue. Priorities and consideration for what diversity in admissions has meant in the past and what it will mean in the future remain in question, and pose unique challenges.

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Community College Transfers Fare Well Despite Small Numbers

Community College Transfers Fare Well Despite Small Numbers

Education Dive

January 15, 2019 Student Success

A new report finds that community college transfers graduate within six years at rates comparable to their peers who attended a 4-year institution immediately following high school. These numbers are significantly higher for community college transfers at selective institutions.

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9 Higher Ed. Trends to Watch in 2019

Education Dive

January 07, 2019   Enrollment Management Trends

In the new year, colleges are faced with pressures including – but not limited to – financing, enrollment, and ensuring student success. This article highlights trends for college and university leadership to focus on as potential areas for opportunity.

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Why Didn’t Students Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? A Detailed Look

Why Didn’t Students Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? A Detailed Look

National Center for Education Statistics

December 29, 2018 Value and Affordability

This brief explores the reasons why students may not fill out a FAFSA and reasons why students may think they are ineligible to do so. Among the findings, 65% of students who were in 9th grade as of fall 2009 reported they completed the FAFSA. Of the remaining students, 24% did not complete the FAFSA, 3% did not know what the FAFSA was, and 8% did not know if they or their parents completed the FAFSA.

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Understanding What Matters Most to Parents


December 29, 2018   Pre-College Outreach, Admissions

This report shares highlights from a recent EAB parent survey, and outlines what aspects of college and college planning are most important to parents. The report also provides comparisons between the importance of different factors to students and parents, and valuable perspectives on how to best engage parent audiences via recruitment marketing.

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The American Talent Initiative: Impact Report

The American Talent Initiative: Impact Report

American Talent Initiative

December 17, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends

A nationwide alliance of colleges and universities has made significant progress in improving opportunity for low and moderate income students, according to a new report. Members of the American Talent Initiative (ATI) have increased enrollment of students who receive federal Pell grants by 7,291 since the 2015-16 school year. The report indicates that ATI is on track to reach its goal to make higher education at colleges and universities with high graduation rates available to 50,000 additional low and moderate income students by 2025.

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Of Metrics and Markets: Measuring Post-College Employment Success

The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS)

December 11, 2018   Student Success

A new Institute for College Access and Success report details existing requirements that govern the calculation and provision of post-college employment metrics, documents weaknesses in existing data, and recommends federal and state policy changes to support comparable, accurate, accessible information for measuring post-college employment outcomes.

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The Power of Guaranteed Admissions

The Power of Guaranteed Admissions

Inside Higher Ed

December 10, 2018 Admissions

Texas has a policy in place since 1977 that states that any student graduating in the top 10 percent of their public high school graduating class is guaranteed admission into any public college or university in the state. This has been working better than holistic admissions for high-achieving, low-income students. Although it is unlikely that this plan will work across all colleges, it is good to note that it has increased the diversity in Texas public colleges.

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Slight Dip in Ph.D.s Conferred

Inside Higher Ed

December 10, 2018   Research, Student Success

The number of doctorate degrees awarded in 2017 decreased to 54,664 from 54,862. Although the number of science and engineering degrees has increased, the number of non-science and engineering degrees has decreased. More interesting date patterns are explored in the number and type of doctorate degrees earned.

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Higher ed consolidation could pick up in 2019, Fitch says

Higher ed consolidation could pick up in 2019, Fitch says

Education Dive

December 07, 2018 Admissions

The average tuition increase has fallen since 2014, perhaps because of the competition for students. High school graduation rates are also slowing down, giving colleges a smaller pool of qualified students to recruit from. Tuition and state funding may be lacking, but colleges are looking into raising funds in other ways such as philanthropy and investments.

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