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Watch what happens to 100 students who enter college


April 24, 2019   Student Success

EAB recently compiled eight different data sources to create a holistic view of actual college outcomes, and how many get a return on their investment regarding their education.

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What a predictive analytics experiment taught 11 colleges about sharing data

What a predictive analytics experiment taught 11 colleges about sharing data

Education Dive

April 18, 2019 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

In 2014, 11 public research universities formed the University Innovation Alliance (UIA) with a goal to expand admissions and help enroll and graduate more underserved students by using predictive analytics. Viewed initially as a bold move, the UIA is on track to surpass its goals, with each institution approaching the use of predictive analytics in unique ways.

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Personalized Outreach to Students Boosts Summer Enrollment

Inside Higher Ed

April 16, 2019   Enrollment Management Trends

A study conducted across 10 community colleges in Ohio showed that personalizing emails and other correspondence for students increased enrollment in summer courses. Specifically, informing students about available tuition assistance and gap funding, as well as potential courses in which to enroll had a positive impact on summer attendance.

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An Asset Perspective on First-Gen Students

An Asset Perspective on First-Gen Students

Inside Higher Ed

April 11, 2019 Student Success

Historical support of first-generation students tends to focus on potential knowledge gaps the students may have and how to overcome them. In order to best support first-generation students on campus, a necessary recognition of the challenges they face balanced with identifying and expressing the skills and unique perspective these students possess is essential.

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Even When College Is Free, It Can Be Hard For Adults To Stay In School


April 04, 2019   Student Success

Free college programs for adult students, such as Tennessee Reconnect, help eliminate the financial burden that comes with enrolling in school. However, other factors such as work and family also hinder an adult student’s ability to stay enrolled in and complete school. Targeted additional support and ensuring processes for enrolling, registering, and advising are seamless are a few ways to provide assistance to this specialized population of students.

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New Push for Test Optional

New Push for Test Optional

Inside Higher Ed

April 01, 2019 Admissions

More than 30 colleges and universities across the country have announced that they will no longer require SAT or ACT scores with their applications for admission. The decision to do so is guided by an effort to increase diversity, as many institutions that have dropped testing requirements have reported gains in minority applications and enrollment, without a decrease in graduation rates. This movement to test optional began with small, liberal arts schools, but is now moving to larger and more competitive schools.  

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3 ways community colleges must adapt to workforce changes

Education Dive

March 22, 2019   Student Success

James Jacobs, president emeritus of Macomb Community College outlines the ways in which community colleges must change to help their students transfer successfully into the workforce. STEM programs in particular assist students transferring in to four-year colleges. Workforce training and apprenticeship programs help students who intend on obtaining full time employement upon graduation.  

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College Completion Rates Are Up, But The Numbers Will Still Surprise You

College Completion Rates Are Up, But The Numbers Will Still Surprise You


March 13, 2019 Enrollment Management Trends, Research

The current average six-year completion rate for post-secondary institutions is 58.3%. While the numbers are up overall, they are far too low and can vary widely depending on the type of school. As the student body continues to diversify, colleges and universities need to examine how to best adapt to the changing needs of those enrolled.

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How work-study programs can teach students career skills

Education Dive

March 12, 2019   Student Success, Value and Affordability

Work-study programs can both improve career readiness and retention on college campuses. A new report from NASPA explores how colleges and universities can design and administer on-campus student employment as a high-impact practice.

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Does Black Representation in Public Colleges and Universities Mirror the State’s Black Population?

Does Black Representation in Public Colleges and Universities Mirror the State’s Black Population?

The Education Trust

March 06, 2019 Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success

The vast majority of colleges and universities across the United States do not have a Black student population that reflects the state’s demographics. Less than half of Americans (43 percent), hold a college degree, and less than one-third of the Black population holds a college degree. A recent report published by Education Trust provides actionable questions for leaders in states to ask as part of a statewide review of educational equity.

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