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Rutgers Today provides a daily stream of news from across Rutgers University, serving both internal and external audiences.

Pushing for Radical Change in Admissions

Inside Higher Ed

February 25, 2019   Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

As racial and ethnic gaps are prevalent in student debt and access to higher education, Senators are looking for ways to address. New America proposed colleges with a preference for alumni children, and/or those that have early-decision programs lose access to federal aid programs. In addition, they proposed requiring universities seeking federal research grants to replace admissions systems with ones in which a lottery plays a prominent role.

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Black Borrowers Struggle With Student Loan Debt More Than Other Racial Groups

Black Borrowers Struggle With Student Loan Debt More Than Other Racial Groups

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

February 19, 2019 Student Success, Value and Affordability

Black students struggle disproportionately compared to any other racial groups when it comes to student loan debt. On average, Black students finish college with more debt than their white counterparts. Much of this can be attributed to less financial and academic resources and lower earnings post-graduation.

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How to Get Students to Fill Out the FAFSA? Enlist Instagram Influencers

Chronicle of Higher Education

February 13, 2019   Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability

Instagram users with large followings attract brands who wish to promote their products or services to their audiences. A select few influencers have partnered with U.S. Department of Education to post about the importance of completing the FAFSA with the hashtag #ButFirstFAFSA. Influencers are sharing their inspiring stories about attending college and the benefits of federal aid.

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Common measures don’t address access to low-income students, report says

Common measures don’t address access to low-income students, report says

Education Dive

February 13, 2019 Enrollment Management Trends, Research

Accepted methods of measuring whether colleges and universities are providing access to low-income students don’t consider the unequal income distributions among the regions from which the institutions traditionally draw. Institutions in the tri-state area, for example, draw from in-state pools of students with higher income distributions compared to those in other areas of the country.

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More AP Success; Racial Gaps Remain

Inside Higher Ed

February 11, 2019   Admissions, Research

College Board has released data from the 2018 AP Exam. Just under 750,000 students earned a score of 3 or higher on at least one placement exam, a 5.4 percent raise from 2017. Though the percentage of underrepresented students earning at least one 3 increased at a faster rate than white students, the data released shows continued equity gaps in the program.

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Could Congress Pass a New Higher-Education Law Before 2020?

Could Congress Pass a New Higher-Education Law Before 2020?

Chronicle of Higher Education

February 04, 2019 Student Success, Value and Affordability

Senator Lamar Alexander, a Republican from Tennessee, hopes to get the Higher Education Act reauthorized within the next year. The proposed bill would simplify the FAFSA process by reducing the number of questions, change the payment plan process for student loans, and enact a new accountability system for colleges based on the rate of graduates’ loan repayment.

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First Impressions: A First Years’ Guide to Recruitment

Inside Higher Ed

January 31, 2019   Admissions

As recruiting season is in full swing, a new group of students is deciding where to enroll in the fall. From location to school culture, students assess various factors to ensure the school they choose will best meet their needs. This article asks prospective students what they are looking for in a school and how they intend to find it.

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Colleges Mine Data on Their Applicants

Colleges Mine Data on Their Applicants

Wall Street Journal

January 26, 2019 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

Some colleges and universities, in an effort to sort through a growing number of applications, are beginning to track prospective student’s online interactions with the institution via web pages and emails and considering these engagements as a factor in the admissions process. (Subscription required)

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Four Ways Colleges Can Make Career Prep ‘Unavoidable’ for Students

Education Dive

January 24, 2019   Student Success

Colleges and universities are looking for innovative ways to make students ready for a career upon graduation. Currently, there is a disconnect that stems from both outdated methods utilized by schools and misconceptions about the workforce from students. Career Services offices must broaden awareness of their work and network within and outside of their institution. This article lists four concrete ways to expand and enhance career readiness services.

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America’s Colleges Struggle to Envision the Future of Diversity on Campus

America’s Colleges Struggle to Envision the Future of Diversity on Campus

The Hechinger Report

January 16, 2019 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

As admissions officers in higher education begin to review applications for the Class of 2023, discussions of what it means to admit a highly diverse student body continue. Priorities and consideration for what diversity in admissions has meant in the past and what it will mean in the future remain in question, and pose unique challenges.

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