Hart Research Associates, conducted on behalf of AAC&U
July 31, 2018 Research, Student Success
A recent report conducted by Hart Research Associated on behalf of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) found executives and hiring managers have more confidence in higher education than the American public. Company executives and hiring managers expressed that they are satisfied with skills that recent college graduates are obtaining but that there are barriers that hinder college graduates from advancement in the company. Hiring managers place an emphasis on demonstrated proficiency in multiple skill areas across majors, including oral communication, critical thinking, ethical judgment, working effectively in teams, and real-world application of skills and knowledge.
Diverse Issues in Higher Education
August 03, 2018 Research, Student Success
A recent study reports that graduates lack soft skills such as emotional intelligence, complex reasoning and negotiation, and persuasion upon college graduation. As these skills are emphasized for successful applicants and employees in the work force, some universities are releasing extracurricular transcripts that demonstrate these skills to supplement a student’s academic performance.
Chronicle of Higher Education
June 14, 2018 Research, Student Success
Two new reports by the Education Trust finds that states have a lot of work to do with regard to degree attainment for Black and Latino students. New Jersey was one six states with extreme gaps in degree attainment for Black students compared to their White peers. The Education Trust provides recommendations for states to close the attainment gap, including strategies that would assist adults who are well beyond high-school age. (Subscription required)
Pew Research Center
July 12, 2018 Research
The Pew Research Center conducted an analysis of income across various racial groups including Whites, Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in 1970 and 2016. Income was divided into 81 categories with the largest group as those who have a household income of $200,000 or greater. Each chart shows the share of adults of a given race or ethnicity with incomes in the stated range.
Inside Higher Ed
June 26, 2018 Research, Student Success
A new study by Campus Labs finds that first-generation college students are more engaged and committed to their education than their peers. The study challenges perceptions of first-generation college students including that they are unprepared or unsupported in their pursuit for a college education. First-generation college students scored higher than their peers in educational commitment, self-efficacy, and academic and campus engagement. They scored lower with respect to resiliency and social comfort, which are areas that institutions can potentially focus on to better support first-generation college students.
Inside Higher Ed
June 20, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Research, Student Success
According to federal data on online enrollment, prices and completions, as well as state-by-state data from the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, it appears online education has successfully increased access to higher education for adult students, but those students graduate at sharply lower rates than their peers who study in-person or with blended learning modalities.
The New York Times
June 07, 2018 Research, Student Success
In 2014, 11 large public research universities began working in collaboration with the goal of increasing retention and graduation rates for their most vulnerable students. The alliance universities have increased the number of degrees awarded by 10 percent through a variety of strategies and interventions at the institutional level.
Diverse Issues in Higher Education
June 05, 2018 Research, Value and Affordability
A quantitative and qualitative analysis of 11,000 financial aid award letters reveals that students and families often do not receive an accurate picture of the full cost of attendance and out-of-pocket costs associated with enrollment at higher education institutions. A recent report offers recommendations to institutions to increase transparency as it relates to financial aid.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
May 23, 2018 Pre-College Outreach, Research
“The Condition of Education”, an annual report from the U.S. Department of Education covers the education life cycle from child-care expenses to employment outcomes. The report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress. Among other interesting findings, it provides examples of the ways in which the higher-education landscape differs from popular perceptions of it. (Subscription required, but view the full report HERE)
The Wall Street Journal
May 15, 2018 Research, Student Success
EMSI: Labor Market Analytics conducted a study of 445 institutions of higher education to get a sense of where alumni move after graduation. In their study they found technology, finance, and government sectors draw more heavily from elite colleges, while alumni from the Big East conference tend to be attracted to large metropolitan areas and graduates from the SEC are less attracted to cities. The interactive data finder allows users to explore alumni movement in greater detail. (Subscription required)