Enrollment Management Trends

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Public research universities adopted high-tuition, high-aid model, study finds

Higher Ed. Dive

March 15, 2022   Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability

Research-oriented public colleges raised tuition rates in recent years. Despite this, low-income students paid less to attend those institutions. This suggests public research universities provided more financial aid to students as they increased their sticker prices. However, the high-tuition, high-aid price model only broadly benefits those from the lowest income brackets.

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A shortage of college students will soon hit the Northeast

The Boston Globe

March 11, 2022   Enrollment Management Trends, Research

Between 2007 and 2020, the U.S saw a 16% decrease in the number of babies being born. The Northeast faces particular turmoil, because it had some of the lowest birth rates in the nation. Moreover, young families and immigrants are increasingly moving away from the Northeast and West Coast to the southern half of the country. The impact will soon be seen in higher education enrollment, with two-year and four-year regional universities potentially bearing the brunt of it.

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Formerly Imprisoned Students Struggle to Shed Their Past

Inside Higher Ed

March 10, 2022   Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success

The stigma of incarceration often complicates admissions, membership in academic organizations and professional licensure. It follows people throughout their work and personal lives. Formerly incarcerated students have faced uncertainty with applying to graduate programs and securing internships. This uncertainty also extends to the faculty ranks.

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College Endowments Boomed in Fiscal 2021

Inside Higher Ed

February 18, 2022   Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability

College and university endowments grew by at least 20 percent in fiscal year 2021. The average value increased by 35 percent to $1.1 billion. The median endowment size swelled to $200 million. Surveyed institutions posted a median return of 30.1 percent in fiscal 2021, compared with 1.8 percent in 2020. While growing endowments are good for institutions, very few students benefit from the high returns.

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College Completion Rates on the Rise

Inside Higher Ed

February 03, 2022   Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success

A new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center found the six-year college completion rate hit 62.2 percent, but experts say it’s still too low for underserved students. The largest gain was among community colleges at 42.2 percent. Public four-year institutions had the second largest gain, followed public two-year institutions and private non-profit four-year institutions.

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Transfer enrollment steadies in fall 2021 after sharp declines the prior year

Higher Ed. Dive

January 19, 2022   Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

Transfer enrollment declined by less than 1% in fall 2021, compared to 9.2% last fall. It is up 2.3% among continuing students. Reverse transfers declined by 0.9%, while lateral transfers rose 0.2%. Upward transfer fell 1.6%. Increased transfers among continuing students were concentrated at private nonprofit four-year institutions and public four-year institutions.

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Perceptions of Affordability

Inside Higher Ed

January 12, 2022   Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability

High school juniors who believe they can’t afford higher education are less likely to attend college within the first three years after high school. College affordability is particularly a concern for first-generation students. Among those studied, the group least likely to enroll in college were students who believed they could not afford college and had at least one parent with a high school diploma or less. Across low-income states, families are required spend a significant percent of their income for a family member’s college education.

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Fewer High School Graduates Go Straight to College

Inside Higher Ed

January 10, 2022   Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

A new report shows an unprecedented decline in college enrollment among high school graduates. College enrollment by the high school class of 2020 showed a decline between 4 and 10 percentage points. Preliminary data show freshman enrollment declined by 2.7 percent last fall. Overall postsecondary enrollment fell by 2.6 percent compared to 2020. Immediate enrollment fell from 55 percent to 45 percent between 2019 and 2020.

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Share of Common App colleges requiring admissions tests continues to plummet

Higher Ed. Dive

November 29, 2021   Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends

Only a small fraction of colleges accepting the Common Application required first-year undergraduates to submit admissions exam scores during the 2021-22 season. Just 5% of member colleges mandated test scores, falling from 11% in the 2020-21 admissions year. Testing experts predict that test-optional policies will remain as the health crisis subsides.

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Bridging the Gap Between Low-Income Students and Top Colleges

Inside Higher Ed

November 02, 2021   Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability

The National Education Equity Lab has created a model for helping low-income high school students and elite colleges connect. This model was designed to scale courses offered at elite colleges using Zoom to deliver them asynchronously to high school students nationwide. Since 2019, approximately 8,000 students received these courses. Participating universities provide classes at no cost. School districts pay a nominal amount to participate.

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