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Rutgers Today provides a daily stream of news from across Rutgers University, serving both internal and external audiences.

New Evidence Adds to Troubling Picture for Black Borrowers of Student Loans

The Chronicle of Higher Education

May 15, 2018   Student Success, Value and Affordability

A new federal study reports that black students have disproportionately higher levels of student-loan debt than their peers. The study, paired with information regarding a controversial federal student-loan program provide context for this disparity. (Subscription required)

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Student Want Faster Degrees. Colleges are Responding.

Student Want Faster Degrees. Colleges are Responding.

Chronicle of Higher Education

April 01, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success, Value and Affordability

In response to concerns expressed by students, parents, and administrators regarding increased college costs and time to completion, colleges and universities are exploring ways to condense student’s time to degree. The condensed programs aim to satisfy a cost-conscious and career-minded market. (Subscription required)

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