Chronicle of Higher Education
February 13, 2019 Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability
Instagram users with large followings attract brands who wish to promote their products or services to their audiences. A select few influencers have partnered with U.S. Department of Education to post about the importance of completing the FAFSA with the hashtag #ButFirstFAFSA. Influencers are sharing their inspiring stories about attending college and the benefits of federal aid.
Chronicle of Higher Education
February 04, 2019 Student Success, Value and Affordability
Senator Lamar Alexander, a Republican from Tennessee, hopes to get the Higher Education Act reauthorized within the next year. The proposed bill would simplify the FAFSA process by reducing the number of questions, change the payment plan process for student loans, and enact a new accountability system for colleges based on the rate of graduates’ loan repayment.
National Center for Education Statistics
December 29, 2018 Value and Affordability
This brief explores the reasons why students may not fill out a FAFSA and reasons why students may think they are ineligible to do so. Among the findings, 65% of students who were in 9th grade as of fall 2009 reported they completed the FAFSA. Of the remaining students, 24% did not complete the FAFSA, 3% did not know what the FAFSA was, and 8% did not know if they or their parents completed the FAFSA.
Wall Street Journal
November 14, 2018 Value and Affordability
A five-year research project that followed 20,000 students at an urban community college found that taking student loans can help students earn better grades, take more classes, and graduate sooner. Students who take out loans are able to work less and concentrate on classes more because they have the financial security provided by the loan. However, this is a potential trade off to accumulating debt post-graduation. (Subscription required)
Inside Higher Ed
November 05, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability
Campus leaders and state policy makers regularly need to decide how to balance awarding need-based aid and merit aid to prospective students. New data suggests that at the state level, the amount of funding for need-based aid is growing. To put it in dollar terms, states allocated $233 million more in need-based grants in 2016-17 than they did the previous year, and just $18 million in additional non-need-based grants. Another area of state financial aid policy that has been drawing attention is the question of whether states are shifting support toward students who attend public universities and away from those at private colleges.
U.S. News and World Report
September 10, 2018 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends, Research, Value and Affordability
U.S. News provides nearly 50 different types of numerical rankings and lists to help prospective students narrow their college search. The four overall rankings – National Universities, Liberal Arts Colleges, Regional Universities, and Regional Colleges are based on factors that indicate academic quality, such as graduation rates and faculty resources.
Fast Company
July 25, 2018 Student Success, Value and Affordability
New data from the University of California system shows that quality public education may still be one of the country’s most important economic equalizers. The study, which examined the UC system’s 2 million alumni and their trajectories after college, found that within 5 years of graduating, the majority of low-income students were out-earning their parents.
Inside Higher Ed
July 24, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability
The U.S. Department of Education is increasing accessibility to the federal student aid process by providing a mobile-friendly version of The complete version of the app is set to launch October 1, 2018 for the 2019-2020 student aid application cycle, and will feature additional ‘tool tips’ to assist students and their families with the application process.
Diverse Issues in Higher Education
June 05, 2018 Research, Value and Affordability
A quantitative and qualitative analysis of 11,000 financial aid award letters reveals that students and families often do not receive an accurate picture of the full cost of attendance and out-of-pocket costs associated with enrollment at higher education institutions. A recent report offers recommendations to institutions to increase transparency as it relates to financial aid.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
May 15, 2018 Student Success, Value and Affordability
A new federal study reports that black students have disproportionately higher levels of student-loan debt than their peers. The study, paired with information regarding a controversial federal student-loan program provide context for this disparity. (Subscription required)