Inside Higher Ed
November 05, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Value and Affordability
Campus leaders and state policy makers regularly need to decide how to balance awarding need-based aid and merit aid to prospective students. New data suggests that at the state level, the amount of funding for need-based aid is growing. To put it in dollar terms, states allocated $233 million more in need-based grants in 2016-17 than they did the previous year, and just $18 million in additional non-need-based grants. Another area of state financial aid policy that has been drawing attention is the question of whether states are shifting support toward students who attend public universities and away from those at private colleges.
USA Today
October 03, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends
USA Today reports that today’s undergraduate students are comprised of nearly 74% non-traditional students, which is often classified as students over the age of 25. With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence continues to change or replace jobs that require less formal education, the future of work demands a higher-educated workforce. As such, many are enrolling in post-secondary institutions.
September 04, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Research
The demographics and experiences of today’s college students continue to change from the image of a traditional, on-campus, full-time student to a non-traditional student with several external responsibilities. A non-traditional student is defined as having one or more of the following characteristics: financial independence, having dependent(s), being a single caregiver, lacking a traditional HS diploma, delaying postsecondary enrollment, attending part time, and being employed full time. This shift in demographics will require institutions to be more strategic in supporting students onto graduation.
Inside Higher Ed
September 24, 2018 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends, Research
A new study that garnered responses from almost 500 admissions leaders found that many institutions are having trouble meeting their enrollment goals on time. Decisions around whether to include the ACT/SAT in the admissions process may influence other schools and their decisions to use the test as a measure of ability. Several admissions leaders also indicated they are concerned about their ability to enroll international students at the same levels as in the past.
Inside Higher Ed
September 25, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Research, Student Success
A new report by the USC Race and Equity Center contains a full-report card assessing how well each state is serving black students in higher education. The report provides a full list of states, schools and their corresponding grades. Furthermore, the report provides recommendations for institutional leaders on how to best support black students and how their institutions can work towards increasing their ranking.
U.S. News and World Report
September 10, 2018 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends, Research, Value and Affordability
U.S. News provides nearly 50 different types of numerical rankings and lists to help prospective students narrow their college search. The four overall rankings – National Universities, Liberal Arts Colleges, Regional Universities, and Regional Colleges are based on factors that indicate academic quality, such as graduation rates and faculty resources.
The Pew Charitable Trust
August 27, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends
Several institutions are feeling the impact of declining enrollment by international students. During the 2016-2017 school year, the national enrollment of international student increased to over 900,000 students, but over the last year, preliminary figures suggest institutions have seen a decrease of close to 7 percent. Three major factors contribute to the decline in enrollment by international students; a) countries offering fewer scholarships for their students to study abroad, b) other countries making it easier for international students to attend their colleges and universities in addition to providing them an easier path to work after graduation and c) immigration policies by the current administration are deterring students from enrolling in U.S. colleges and universities.
Education Dive
August 13, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends
Providing personalized interaction, information and accountability, and recognizing the value in flexibility are three key aspects to serving incoming college students for the 2018-2019 school year. Gen Z students are technology savvy, entrepreneurial and socially aware—by definition—which is different than the previous generation of millennials. Institutions must continue to be aware of the characteristics of incoming students to best serve their needs and provide support that is reflective of their experience.
July 25, 2018 Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success
Community colleges are often seen as a gateway to achieve a bachelor’s degree for many first-generation, low-income students. However, new research from the American Talent Initiative highlights that more than 50,000 high-achieving, low-and moderate-income community college students do not transfer to four-year institutions each year. The Kaplan Educational Foundation provides insight from institutions dedicated to community college student success: transfer-friendly strategies, policies, and programs.
Education Dive
July 31, 2018 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
In an effort to provide greater transparency regarding higher education outcomes, Google is working to provide students with more information about colleges via their search engine. Using data from the College Scorecard and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Google will provide more information on colleges and universities that reflect the information students are searching for when making their college decision.