October 23, 2024 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
There has been a 3% increase in fall 2024 undergraduate enrollment compared to fall 2023. This increase in enrollment can be driven by students who previously started their first year of college and/or completed dual enrollment in high school. Specifically, data has shown a 1.9 % increase in bachelor’s degree programs, 4.3% increase in associate degrees, and 7.3% increase in certificate seekers. On the other hand, enrollment amongst first-year students has declined by 5%, signifying potential cracks in the K-12 pipeline. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center also discovered an increase in re-enrollment of students who previously left college without completing a degree or credential.
Inside Higher Ed
October 14, 2024 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
After facing challenges with the 2023-2024 FAFSA form, 680 students have successfully submitted the 2024-2025 application and reported a positive experience while navigating the phase 1 process. The purpose of phase 1 was to help identify and resolve technical and usability issues to further restore users’ trust in the FAFSA form. Further reports indicated that families were able to complete the form in approximately 20 minutes with minimal errors and without any in-person assistance. On the other hand, some students noted challenges with not being able to get their FSA IDs. Higher education institutions are also anticipating the success of the new form to further diminish the possibility of further delays.
The Washington Post
August 07, 2024 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
The Education department recently announced starting October 1, they will launch the 2025-2026 FAFSA form in phases to assist in identifying and resolving system errors based on the feedback from a limited set of student users. This extra precaution is implemented to identify and fix the same technical glitches and bureaucratic delays experienced in the 2024-2025 form. Testing protocols will further ensure an easy navigation for users before the application is made available to all students on or before December 1. Congressional Republicans as well as the Interim President and Chief Executive of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators believe the form should not be launched in phases, but rather rolled out on the anticipated October 1 date that has been a norm since 2016.
Inside Higher Ed
August 05, 2024 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
Higher Education institutions are faced with immense financial pressure that is causing shifts in employment, budget allocations, academic programming, etc. Factors that contributed to this shift include rising operational costs and declining enrollment, which is connected to the issues faced with the newly implemented yet problematic FAFSA form. Specifically, eight higher education institutions were forced to adjust their regulatory operations this upcoming fiscal year.
July 10, 2024 Pre-College Outreach, Enrollment Management Trends
From June 2023 to June 2024, high school students’ FAFSA completion rates have declined by 7.2% representing about 250,000 fewer completions. The decline in high school students’ FAFSA completion rates can be attributed to the delayed release date of and subsequent technical issues with the updated FAFSA form. To help remedy high school student FAFSA completion rates, summer support services were instituted to assist in the navigation process as well as the implementation of a bill that would require the Education Department to release the form each year by October 1.
PBS News Hour
June 25, 2024 Enrollment Management Trends, Research
Over the last 30 years, there has been a drastic decline in the college enrollment of young men, with greater disparities for men of color. A Pew Research study reveals that one million fewer men are enrolled in college compared to 2011. Men generally view college as compelling but are influenced by equally or more desirable options. In addition, the K-12 educational system shows that girls are outperforming boys which has a long-lasting impact on the college enrollment of men. With the higher education institutions implementation of programs that specifically target and support males’ college journey, there is hope for improvement in their enrollment.
Higher Ed. Dive
June 06, 2024 Enrollment Management Trends, Research
The population of U.S. adults under age 65 with some college but no credential reached 36.8 million by July 2022, up 2.9% compared to the year before, according to a new analysis from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. However, over 943,000 adults who stopped out of college reenrolled during the 2022-23 academic year, an increase of 9.1% from the prior year. The clearinghouse’s report offers insight into the sought-after population of students with some college but no credential. Colleges are increasingly looking to attract this pool of learners to help offset an expected decline in the number of traditional-age students, typically considered under age 25.
Higher Ed. Dive
January 18, 2024 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
The higher education landscape was changed dramatically due to a series of court decisions last year, and the coming year will see rulings on additional lawsuits that could further alter college and university practices. The article outlines five current lawsuits and their potential impact.
Higher Ed. Dive
December 13, 2023 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
Concerns regarding selective college enrollment have grown in the wake of high-profile university scandals and the recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the use of race in admissions. A few institutions have begun to introduce direct admission programs, which automatically accepts students based on academic information such as GPA. Advocates for the policy say it can boost students’ confidence and help them understand they are college material. Though results are generally positive, it depends on the policy design.
Higher Ed. Dive
November 29, 2023 Admissions, Enrollment Management Trends
Highly selective universities are facing criticism concerning their early decision policies favoring affluent and wealthy students, and children of alumni and donors. Early decision demands a commitment to a university without revealing financial aid packages, hence perpetuating inequality through inconsideration of the financial affordability of students. Despite arguments to foster a more equitable and inclusive admission process, universities continue to maintain early decision policies to gain a competitive edge. There has been limited action to eliminate this policy, but some universities have said they will be reconsidering.