The Hechinger Report
May 11, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
Discussions of how college towns such as Ann Arbor, MI and Ithaca, NY are being negatively impacted by shutdowns of colleges. Some of these college town businesses will not be able to reopen, particularly restaurants, due to revenue loss if football season is cancelled.
Inside Higher Ed.
May 20, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
Niche, a website resource for prospective college students, conducted a survey of 10,000 students currently enrolled in either high school or college regarding their most preferable fall semester scenarios. The survey scenarios were based on an article by Joshua Kim of Dartmouth College and Edward J. Maloney of Georgetown University which offered 15 scenarios for the upcoming fall semester.
May 05, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success
With all of the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, students and parents want to know what the college experience will look like in the fall. Although there is not yet a definite answer, college operations will likely look different. Options institutions are exploring include a fully remote/virtual experience, instituting a delayed start to the semester, offering hybrid courses or shortened course blocks, allowing only first-year students on campus, or allowing all students back to campus with changes in operations.
Education Dive
May 01, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success
This report is a compilation of articles regarding how colleges and universities are adjusting to online learning and supporting their students.
The Hechinger Report
April 08, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends, Student Success
Students that had to leave campus to quarantine and social distance with their families are facing unique challenges. For many, the switch to studying at home is mostly a disorienting inconvenience. For low-income students, though, the situation can be dire. Some have large families and siblings and children to care for, and others have limited to no internet connection to complete required coursework.
Inside Higher Ed.
April 06, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
As the Coronavirus continues to cause shifts and changes to the admissions cycle for colleges and universities, schools are adjusting policies and procedures to attract and support incoming students. Schools are exploring test-optional application options for the fall 2021 class, as SAT and ACT exams have been cancelled. Extending deposit deadlines, providing virtual tours, and offering access to live chats are a few strategies being implemented for the fall 2020 class.
The Hechinger Report
April 06, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
Higher education tends to run in the opposite direction of the economy. When the economy stalls, demand for college typically rises as the unemployed enroll to improve their job prospects. After the recession in 2008, adult enrollment in community colleges and online schooling greatly increased. Federal policy will play a critical role in the years ahead regarding its investment in Americans’ education.
Inside Higher Ed.
March 25, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
Leadership teams at colleges and universities across the country are working to determine how to tackle the next most important things while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Student and personnel safety, systems resilience, and college operations are all of focus in the coming weeks and months.
New York Times
February 20, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
Colleges and universities are using A.I. and other advanced technologies as an integrated part of their day-to-day functions. Some institutions are exploring monthly subscriptions for student study instead of set semester enrollment to allow for more flexibility and the opportunity for students to finish degrees sooner. Such initiatives may reform and reshape higher education instruction.
Education Dive
February 06, 2020 Enrollment Management Trends
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) changed its recruiting guidelines to allow more aggressive recruiting from colleges. Three provisions were removed from the code and now allow colleges to recruit students who have already committed to other institutions, offer incentives for early decision, and market to students enrolled at other four-year colleges.